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Sphynx In Clothes: Your Premier Online Store for Sphynx Cat Apparel

Welcome to Sphynx In Clothes, your ultimate destination for premium clothing for hairless and short-haired cats. Our store offers a wide range of stylish and functional apparel designed specifically for breeds like Canadian Sphynxes, Donskoy Sphynxes, Peterbalds, Bambinos, Cornish Rexes, and Devon Rexes.

Our clothing isn’t just a fashion statement – it’s a necessity. Hairless and short-haired cats are highly sensitive to temperature changes and can easily get cold, especially during the winter, on walks, or while being transported. High-quality everyday clothing is essential for the health, comfort, and longevity of your beloved pet.

Additionally, Canadian and Don Sphynxes have a unique trait: they sweat. Our specially designed clothes help protect your furniture and linens from stains, ensuring your home stays clean and your Sphynx stays warm and cozy. 

Explore our collection today and find the perfect outfit to keep your Sphynx cat warm, comfortable, and stylish. Shop with us at
Sphynx In Clothes for the best in Sphynx cat fashion and care!

At Sphynx In Clothes, we are dedicated to providing a wide selection of fashionable and high-quality cat clothing and accessories for Canadian Sphynx, Donskoy Sphynx, Peterbald, Bambino, Cornish Rex, and Devon Rex cats, all at reasonable prices. Our collection includes practical everyday wear as well as stylish and comfortable outfits for those special occasions.
Since our inception in 2021, we have been committed in growing the brand, and evolving our patterns. What began as a personal project with t-shirts, have now evolved into various suits, which are worn by cats worldwide. 

Join the thousands of satisfied customers who trust
Sphynx In Clothes to keep their cats warm, comfortable, and stylish. Explore our range today and discover the perfect outfit for your feline friend!

Yellow smart suit on a sphynx cat by Sphynx in Clothes

Note from the Founder, Lisa.

On 11th March 2024, Sphynx In Clothes website was taken down for an upgrade. In our search for a perfect person to help us with this task, we came across Natasha, from Miamur Cats who also runs NG VA – Virtual Assistant business. Website upgrade was her first project of its kind. 
Due to personal circumstances, I realised I was no longer to offer Sphynx In Clothes the full time it deserved. And so, Natasha became our team member. And can I just say…She is great. Have you seen our SunSuits and Stud Suits? Those are in conjunction with Miamur Cats.  
All tailoring will continue to be done by me, and Natasha is now head of our customer services, marketing and branding. 

We cannot wait to continue to grow the website, the brand, and come up with more ideas for your purr-kids.